? ??????????????Proud Mom Of A Baby Girl? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 515 Total Gr
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Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well it's been a coons, as my Mema would say, age since I've updated. However, I finally have something to blog about....


I found out last Tuesday but knew that I was before I took the test. We had to keep it to ourselves until we had a chance to tell my parents first. We couldn't think of a good time to go so we decided just to head to Crane when I got back from the women's retreat. Boy was that hard to be surrounded by a bunch of women and not be able to say anything. So late Saturday night we told my parents, Sunday we told our Truth Project group, Monday we told Ryan's parents, and then the rest of the world.

So far I haven't gotten sick, but it seems like every since we told people I started feeling icky at night and then some in the morning. Really the only symptom I have is peeing every two seconds. I already went to the bathroom a lot before and now it's twice as worse.

Now for the not so good news. Wednesday we found out that our insurance does not cover pregnancy. All this time we were under the assumption that we were covered but we aren't. So I went and applied for medicaid but won't find out anything until three weeks from now. However, I've been told that Ryan makes too much and most likely I won't get approved. We also have someone looking into other insurance companies to see if I can't get on with any of them. I know it will all work out but the waiting sucks.

I'm thinking I'll be due somewhere around mid December. Mine and my dad's birthdays are in December so that will be cool to see if I have the baby on one of our birthdays. I won't get to go to the doctor until I know how on earth we will be able to pay for doctors visits. I've called a few offices to see what their cash pay out play is so I'll at least know somewhat of what it's going to cost if we have to pay out of pocket.

I am so excited but yesterday threw a kink into the perfect pregnancy.


ashley said...

Congrats to you guys! how exciting! was the yellow shirt for you? = )

Ryan and Jessica said...

i left a comment on your page ashley but i'll leave on here too. the second yellow shirt really was for another friend of mine but i decided to keep it for myself. i'll come back to get her another one. haha

Erin said...

Jessica!! Congratulations! What exciting news! Hope you continue to feel well. I bet your Mom is just beside herself! How fun!