? ??????????????Proud Mom Of A Baby Girl? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 515 Total Gr
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Four Month Update

Well I skipped writing about her three month update but at least I'm doing one for four months right?

We went to the doctor on Thursday and she got her lovely shots. She cried for like 5 seconds and was better because she got a bottle. She was fine the rest of the day to. We get to start rice cereal now. I tried last night but I messed up in the messuring so I just put it in her bottle. Tonight we will try again so we can eat with a spoon. As soon as I have pictures I'll post them.

What Patyn is doing:
Rolling everywhere: She started rolling from her tummy to back at about 3 1/2 months then about two weeks later she figured out the tummy to back and now she goes everywhere. No longer can we leave her in one spot and expect to find her in the same place. She even rolled under our bed yesterday and got stuck. It was pretty funny but she didn't think so.

Playing with toys: At about Easter she discovered that those things hanging from her carseat are pretty neat. She loves to play with the toys on her carseat and on her play mat.

Talking: Miss Patyn loves to talk. As we speak she is on her play mat talking up a storm. At the doctor she made friends with an older lady and just talked and talked to her. Some times she lets out a scream, it's pretty funny.

Smiling: We don't get many giggles from her but we do get big open mouth smiles that just melt your heart.

Church Nursery: Patyn finally went to the nursery during big church the week after Easter. I made it through church but all I could think about was the offitory pray so that I could go get her.

I'll have another post of just pictures because I don't have them all uploaded right now.