? ??????????????Proud Mom Of A Baby Girl? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 515 Total Gr
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

The results are in...

Before I tell you what the sex is here is a little picture of our sweet baby...

Everything went well at the ultrasound. The tech check the baby head to toe and said everything looked wonderful. About ten minutes in she said that we are having a little GIRL!!!! We are so excited. My mom and Ryan's mom were able to experience this with us and they were so excited too. It's about time for a girl on both sides of the family. Also, I dont' know how I was the only one watching but I saw her flip butt over head on the ultrasound. It was so weird. I can't wait to fill her moving.

Her name will be Payton Grace, however the spelling is still an issue. We told the youth this morning that we were having a girl and that they were going to be the deciding vote on the spelling. I want Paetyn and Ryan wants Payton. The youth voted for Paetyn. We didn't tell them who wanted which and my spelling won! Ryan said that we would go with what they picked but it's looking like he won't budge. Which ever way it's spelt we still have a wonderful gift from God.


Erin said...

How exciting!!
Well, it looks like I should have checked your blog before I commented on facebook. You answered all of my questions. I'm so glad that both of your Mommas were there and I LOVE Payton (whichever way you decide to spell it!) Super sweet.
I'm thrilled for you guys and I can't believe your're going to be a Momma! How exciting!

Erin said...

And she is precious! How fun to see her sweet little face while she's still tucked safely away. She's adorable already.

ashley said...

YAYAYAYAYAY!!! little girls are soooooo much fun. I have a few bows if you need to borrow them. : )
congrats you guys!