Forgot to mention in the last post that Patyn weighs 12.4 lbs. and is 25 1/4 inches. She is sleeping a good 7 to 8 hour stretch at night. Now enjoy some pictures.
Three month pics by Great Aunt Marla
Easter morning
Riding the purple cow at church.
She was about a week away from turning four months by the time I took these. At least I did though.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
Four Month Update
Well I skipped writing about her three month update but at least I'm doing one for four months right?
We went to the doctor on Thursday and she got her lovely shots. She cried for like 5 seconds and was better because she got a bottle. She was fine the rest of the day to. We get to start rice cereal now. I tried last night but I messed up in the messuring so I just put it in her bottle. Tonight we will try again so we can eat with a spoon. As soon as I have pictures I'll post them.
What Patyn is doing:
Rolling everywhere: She started rolling from her tummy to back at about 3 1/2 months then about two weeks later she figured out the tummy to back and now she goes everywhere. No longer can we leave her in one spot and expect to find her in the same place. She even rolled under our bed yesterday and got stuck. It was pretty funny but she didn't think so.
Playing with toys: At about Easter she discovered that those things hanging from her carseat are pretty neat. She loves to play with the toys on her carseat and on her play mat.
Talking: Miss Patyn loves to talk. As we speak she is on her play mat talking up a storm. At the doctor she made friends with an older lady and just talked and talked to her. Some times she lets out a scream, it's pretty funny.
Smiling: We don't get many giggles from her but we do get big open mouth smiles that just melt your heart.
Church Nursery: Patyn finally went to the nursery during big church the week after Easter. I made it through church but all I could think about was the offitory pray so that I could go get her.
I'll have another post of just pictures because I don't have them all uploaded right now.
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
2 Months!
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 3:06 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Patyn's Story
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Come on Already...
Wow, I'm really bad at this blogging stuff. Not a lot has been going on. The pregnancy has been pretty much perfect. I have really enjoyed being pregnant but now I'm ready for her to be here.
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Only took 7 months but....
We have an agreement on the spelling of our sweet baby girl's name!
It will be Patyn Grace.
On our way to Fredericksburg, Ryan said that if we can get into the Texas/Tech game we can spell her name the way I want to. Of course he changed his mind after I was in all agreement. After much deliberation we decided on Patyn, after the teacher in me went through the phonics rules and everything trying to figure out if it was phonetically correct. I know it may look like Pat-ton but its not.
So about the game...We drove to Austin which was about an hour on chance that we might get tickets from a scalper. Well after walking around for two hours, on top of walking at the trade days, we came across someone who was willing to sell two for $120. I thought it was a scam because it was just a stub of a ticket. What do you know it was! So after finding out we were screwed the event guy told us just to hang out around an area until we were asked to move. So we thought we would walk around and try to find something. But after walking around forever I was done! I told Ryan I was done and wanted to leave regardless of how much money we would be out. So on our way out on the upper deck we came across two handicap seats and Ryan asked if anyone was sitting there and no one was. So we thought we would sit there until somebody asked us to move, and nobody did! We were stuck between drunkin idoits but were still able to watch the game.
All in all the weekend was great. However I have shin splints now thanks to all that walking!
Please excuse the hair. It was stinkin humid and hot!
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The results are in...

Everything went well at the ultrasound. The tech check the baby head to toe and said everything looked wonderful. About ten minutes in she said that we are having a little GIRL!!!! We are so excited. My mom and Ryan's mom were able to experience this with us and they were so excited too. It's about time for a girl on both sides of the family. Also, I dont' know how I was the only one watching but I saw her flip butt over head on the ultrasound. It was so weird. I can't wait to fill her moving.
Her name will be Payton Grace, however the spelling is still an issue. We told the youth this morning that we were having a girl and that they were going to be the deciding vote on the spelling. I want Paetyn and Ryan wants Payton. The youth voted for Paetyn. We didn't tell them who wanted which and my spelling won! Ryan said that we would go with what they picked but it's looking like he won't budge. Which ever way it's spelt we still have a wonderful gift from God.
Posted by Ryan and Jessica at 2:53 PM 3 comments